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After Dachau, by Daniel Quinn
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Daniel Quinn, well known for Ishmael - a life-changing book for readers the world over - once again turns the tables and creates an otherworld that is very like our own, yet fascinating beyond words.
Imagine that Nazi Germany was the first to develop an atomic bomb and the Allies surrendered. America was never bombed, occupied, or even invaded, but was nonetheless forced to recognize Nazi world dominance. The Nazis continued to press their campaign to rid the planet of "mongrel races" until eventually the world - from Capetown to Tokyo - was populated by only white faces.
Two thousand years in the future, people don't remember, or much care, about this distant past. The reality is that to be human is to be caucasian, and what came before was literally ancient history and has nothing to do with the living.
Now imagine that reincarnation is real, that souls migrate over time from one living creature to another, and that a soul that once animated an American black woman living at the time of World War II now animates an Aryan in Quinn's new world, and that due to a traumatic accident, memories of this earlier incarnation assert themselves.
Compared by readers and critics alike to 1984 and Brave New World, After Dachau is a new dystopian classic with much to say about our own time, and the dynamics of human history.
- Sales Rank: #72775 in Audible
- Published on: 2011-10-05
- Format: Unabridged
- Original language: English
- Running time: 322 minutes
Most helpful customer reviews
29 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
Absolutely Stunning
By Jason N. Mical
I picked up this book at 10:00 last night. It's now three AM, and I jusy finished reading it cover to cover.
After Dachau is simply that good.
A fan familiar with Daniel Quinn's other works, I was pleasantly surprised to find After Dachau to be a more carefully constructed novel than books like Ishmael. Instead of philosophy revealed through conversation, the reader is instead presented with an enormous metaphor.
The premise is simple: a wealthy member of the idle rich persues his dream by volunteering as a researcher at an institute that studies reincarnation. Assigned to a case in New York, he soon finds that nothing is as it seems.
Those who know Quinn's views of human history will likely be able to sniff out the metaphor early on, but After Dachau is accessable even to the average reader. Rather than a dystopic novel like "1984" or "Brave New World," which some of the reviews seem to liken After Dachau to, this book instead forces us to examine our past, rather than be concerned about our future (although a concern for the future logially follows examination of the past!)
I can highly recommend this book. It has the potential to take its place among works like "1984" and "BNW" in classrooms across the world, and it likely should be afforded such an honor.
Give it a read; you won't be disappointed.
20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Two books in one
By Kathy Cunningham
Daniel Quinn's "After Dachau" is really two very different books in one, divided by a clever "trick." The first half is a suspenseful and exciting mystery story centering on the possible discovery of a truly documentable case of reincarnation. The two main characters find themselves on a journey of self-discovery as they explore what it really means to be an individual. If you're a fan of speculative fiction or psychological mysteries, you'll easily get wrapped up in the first part of "After Dachau."
Then comes the "trick." I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't yet read the book, but it's sort of a "Sixth Sense" kind of thing -- a plot trick that shifts the entire course of the novel and changes everything you've read so far.
After the trick (sort of after Dachau!), the book becomes a cautionary tale about what the world could become if we continue to live our lives as the selfish, entitled, "takers" we western white-folks really are (if this doesn't make sense, read "Ishmael"). It's not a bad cautionary tale, and even if you're not a DQ fan, you'll easily see the point he's making. But the book would have been stronger had Quinn stuck with a distorted interpretation of ACTUAL history (a new and frightening way to look at the world of the last 60 years), rather than the alternate history he gives us in "After Dachau". The world the two main characters face in part two of this book is NOT our world -- and as such, it's easy to step back and ignore the message. After all, WE didn't do what these people did. The world we live in today is NOT the world of "After Dachau."
What bothered me most about "After Dachau" was the short disclaimer Quinn placed at the end of the book, disavowing any interest or belief in reincarnation. Clearly the entire first half of the novel was merely a way of sucking in the type of readers who might be susceptible to his philosophy. Once you get past the mid-point (and the "trick"), you're his and the reincarnation story is dropped. Too bad. A really good novelist (without such an obvious agenda, perhaps) would have known how to integrate the story with the message. It would have made a better novel -- and, in the end, a stronger message.
It's a thought-provoking book, however, which is rare -- thus the four stars. Read it. It's worth the time, and you can argue with your friends about it afterward (what's better than that?)!
10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Either I've missed something...
By zbg97
or a lot of others have...
One of Mr. Quinn's on-going themes is cultural/historic revisionism--people swallowing whole everything that Mother Culture whispers in our ear. In both of the Ishmael books (and, to a lesser extent, The Story of B), Mr. Quinn takes a definite step away from the real world, mostly, it would seem, to give us a slightly distanced view of our own culture; in A.D., the step merely seems larger (that's all I'll say about that, though the "professional review" above pretty comprehensivley obliterates all surprise in the book).
I write "seems", though, because, despite the rather large detour taken from reality, the book itself points out that we (in particular we Americans) tend to add a nice glossy coat to large parts of history and spend as little time as possible thinking about some of the other parts. It touches lightly on the history of colonialism (and even more lightly on the somewhat interesting question of what ~did~ happen to Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal?) in the same context as history "after Dachau" (the premise, not the title, of the book). Additionally, I recall seeing an piece in the news a year or two back that, already, a sizable percent of people polled either didn't know what the actual Holocaust was, or didn't believe it had happened. Sadly, it seems that alternate realities are not the only place where it sometimes seems "no one cares". Perhaps modeling himself on Ishmael, however, (or vice versa?) he allows the student to make connections, draw conclusions, etc.
I agree that A.D. lacks some of the depth of development he displays in his other works, but Mr. Quinn seems to vary his style to present his thoughts in ways that will appeal to varying audiences, so A.D. will appeal, for many reasons, to audiences that may not enjoy the Ishmael books or B. As in each of his books, however, he uses After Dachau to take a step back from our world and wax philosophic about the society we have built and the society we may build; everything from minor foibles to outright faults. In that, I think his writing is as sharp as ever.
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